Altar Servers Day last Sunday

Over 40 servers from various parishes (New Addington, Northfleet, Parkwood & Wigmore, Stamford Hill) came for last Sunday's afternoon for servers. With ample time for refreshments and games, there was also a powerpoint presentation about the Mass given by Father Stephen Boyle with discussion groups led by Father Ugo Nnaji MSP (who is currently holding the fort at Tenterden in Mgr Hill's absence), Fathers John and Stephen Boyle and Matthew Charlesworth SJ.
Confessions were heard before and during the evening Mass by Fathers Stephen Boyle, Ugo Nnaji MSP and Robert Copsey SOLT.
Thanks to parishioners Susan Radecka, Kenneth and Martine Standish, Thereza Baker for helping organise the refreshments and safeguarding aspects of the day, and to Dara Farrell for organising the sports.
Some photos of the day:

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