Thursday Talks at St Simon's
Since my last post on this subject we have had two talks.
On 7th June Father Stephen Dingley came to give a talk entitled Christ and the Church - Answer to the Modern World. In his talk, Father Dingley traced the decline of Christianity from the Reformation through Liberal Modernism and Materialistic Secularism. He then went through the principal world religions to examine their response, including Irrationalism (New Age, Superstitions etc.), Hinduism with it pluralistic and polytheistic theories, Buddhism (nihilistic), Islam (revelation of and obedience - submission as the word 'Islam' means - to the will of God, revelation being above the requirements of reason) and Christianity.
As St John wrote in his Gospel: The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.
Yesterday (14th June) Anthony Ozimic, Policitical Secretary of SPUC, gave a talk entitled Being Pro-life - The Most Important Work on Earth. Rather than speaking about his work in lobbying and preparing briefings for MP's, he addressed the pro-life vocation that all of us have, drawing abundantly on documents of the Magisterium, notably Lumen Gentium (Second Vatican Council) on the role of the laity and Evangelium Vitae (Pope John Paul II). Pope John Paul apparently told Father Paul Marx, founder of Human Life International, that his work was the most important work on earth. The defence of life is the foundation for the defence of human rights.
On 7th June Father Stephen Dingley came to give a talk entitled Christ and the Church - Answer to the Modern World. In his talk, Father Dingley traced the decline of Christianity from the Reformation through Liberal Modernism and Materialistic Secularism. He then went through the principal world religions to examine their response, including Irrationalism (New Age, Superstitions etc.), Hinduism with it pluralistic and polytheistic theories, Buddhism (nihilistic), Islam (revelation of and obedience - submission as the word 'Islam' means - to the will of God, revelation being above the requirements of reason) and Christianity.
Fr Stephen enjoys a conversation with Suzy Gray after the talk.
In Christianity we have a religion that is both revealed and appeals to reason, as St Paul wrote:
Ever since God created the world, his everlasting power and deity — however invisible — have been there for the mind to see in the things he has made. (Rom 1:20)
As St John wrote in his Gospel: The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.
Yesterday (14th June) Anthony Ozimic, Policitical Secretary of SPUC, gave a talk entitled Being Pro-life - The Most Important Work on Earth. Rather than speaking about his work in lobbying and preparing briefings for MP's, he addressed the pro-life vocation that all of us have, drawing abundantly on documents of the Magisterium, notably Lumen Gentium (Second Vatican Council) on the role of the laity and Evangelium Vitae (Pope John Paul II). Pope John Paul apparently told Father Paul Marx, founder of Human Life International, that his work was the most important work on earth. The defence of life is the foundation for the defence of human rights.

Anthony (centre) with Mark and Margaret after the talk.
JESUS IS WITH US - The Meaning of the Tabernacle.
Do come along! (7.30pm, Thursday 21st June, in the Church Hall).Labels: Pro-life, Science and Religion, Talks
I could not make the talk myself, but I hope and pray it had been modified from its original Faith Winter Conference format. I have to say I found the original rather aggressive and derogatory for my taste.
No, not really, pretty much the same talk, and well received by all who attended. It was totally respectful to the adherents of other religions, but proposed for belief that Jesus Christ is God and therefore Christianity is the only true religion. We propose this for the free acceptance (or rejection) by others. But it's still true. If you are local and want to get in touch, by all means do.
I'm glad it went well - I know Fr. Stephen is very well respected in the Catholic community.
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