Archbishop McDonald visits the parish

His Grace Archbishop Kevin McDonald (pictured above kissing the Book of the Gospels) visited the parish today to celebrate the 10.00am Mass during which he baptised and confirmed Michael Light, and confirmed Jessica Holmes and Verity Green.
If you have adobe photoshop, you can watch a slide show of the visit by clicking here (pre-download courtesy advice: it's a 3MB file).
Here are some photos:

Michael James Jerome is baptised with sponsor Eileen supporting.
Michael, wearing his baptismal garment, is confirmed. His confirmation name is Jerome.
Verity Mary Sophie Green is confirmed, taking the name Cecilia, with her sponsor aunt Helen.
Jessica Kate Holmes is confirmed, taking the name Therese, with sponsor grandfather Alan.
Fr John thanking His Grace for being with us.
Leaving the sanctuary.
Verity with some of her family after Mass, including her father Damian Green MP (2nd left - he represents Ashford in the House of Commons) and mother Alicia (on Verity's left).
Verity and Jessica with Archbishop Kevin.
Michael receives his certificate of Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion from His Grace.
Jessica receives her certificate of Confirmation...
and Verity hers.
Michael chatting with the Archbishop...
The Archbishop chats with local MP Damian Green, Verity's father.
Congratulations to all our newly initiated and thanks to all parishioners who helped make the Archbishop's visit such a success.
Labels: Archbishop, Baptism, Confirmation
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