Raymond de Souza visiting St Simon's - 12th May

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At the Conclave that elected him Pope, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger affirmed that “Catholics cannot remain immature in the faith”, and highlighted the need for “a Faith that gives us the measure to discern between what is true and what is false, between deceit and truth”.
The most important belief that Catholics may find difficult to explain to non-Catholics (as well as to lapsed Catholics) is the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
The simple evidence of the senses tells us that it is only bread and wine: texture, colour, taste, everything appears to suggest to many that when Jesus said, "This is my Body; This is My Blood" He was speaking figuratively, not literally.
And yet hundreds of millions of Roman Catholics the world over for nearly two millennia affirm that it is Jesus Christ who is present under the species of bread and wine.
How many lay Catholics are able to explain that it is reasonable to believe in this singular Mystery of the Faith in a satisfactory manner to non-Catholics and lapsed Catholics?
Come to St Simon Stock Catholic Church, Brookfield Road, Ashford, Kent at 7:30 pm Tuesday, 12th May 2009 and find out how it makes perfect sense to believe that Jesus wanted His Apostles to take it literally, not figuratively, when He consecrated bread and wine at the Last Supper. That's Logic at the Service of Faith.
Speaker: Raymond de Souza - EWTN host, international lay apologist, founder and director of Saint Gabriel Communications (Australia), Program Director for Portuguese-Speaking countries for Human Life International (HLI) and Chairman of the Sacred Heart Legion (USA). www.RaymonddeSouza.com
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