St Simon's Parish Blog

Welcome to the Blog of St Simon Stock Catholic Church, South Ashford, Kent, UK. Our address is: Brookfield Road Ashford Kent TN23 4EU

Monday, March 24, 2008

Our new Stations of the Cross

These new Stations were purchased from Artesacris in Fatima and were put up towards the end of Lent. They will be formally erected in the near future, with the addition of crosses.


New Altar Candles

At the Easter Vigil we inaugurated our new altar candles. Everything is now in matching brass rather than the previous black wrought iron candle sticks.



Facing the people:

Eastward orientation:

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Congratulations to our neophytes

Emma, Sandra and Tracy are pictured here together with their sponsors Irene, Lola and Susan after the Easter Vigil Mass in which they were baptised, confirmed and received the Eucharist for the first time. They are each wearing a stole made by one of our parishioners for the occasion to signify their new clothing in Christ. It is modelled on those worn by the newly baptised at the Easter Vigil in St Peter's.


Blessing of Easter Food

Our church was packed on Holy Saturday morning for the traditional blessing of Easter foods. See here for further information.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sister Catherine's 60th anniversary

Some late news: on Thursday 6th March Sr Catherine celebrated the 60th anniversary of her first profession as a Religious Sister of Mercy. This is truly a great achievement. Sister is a wonderful example of joy and ever renewed enthusiasm in her dedication to God. Now in her 80's, she has a youthful spirit which can only be acknowledged as a gift from God who gives joy to our youth.

After the Mass she spoke movingly about the life of the Congregation's foundress Venerable Catherine McAuley. Born in 1778 in Dublin, she came to know the poverty of many in that city and was inspired by the example of her father's life of prayer and dedication to the poor. More can be found out about her by googling Catherine McAuley and from Wikipedia.

Sisters Dolores and Vincent, members of the same community as Sister Catherine.

Parishioners organised a party for her which took place in the presbytery.

Sister Catherine wanted to emphasise the issue of vocation to religious life. Pope Paul VI famously said that today's world needs witnesses who preach by their deeds. Sister Catherine is one such witness to the joys of a life dedicated to God.

Our fondest congratulations.

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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Laetare Sunday Baptism

Congratulations to the Andrew and Chantima, parents of Aidy Peter Arnan Brooks who was baptised at Mass today. (It also happens to be the 50th anniversary of my baptism today!)
