St Simon's Parish Blog

Welcome to the Blog of St Simon Stock Catholic Church, South Ashford, Kent, UK. Our address is: Brookfield Road Ashford Kent TN23 4EU

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Corpus Christi Procession

What was forecast:

What we got:
And so our procession went ahead after the 10.00am Mass this morning. Click of the picture for a slideshow.
It's a pdf slide show. Once you have downloaded (3MB) use direction arrows to view each picture.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pentecost International Mass

We held our now customary International Mass last Sunday 11th May. Prayers and readings were read/sung in English, Ibo, Malayalam, Latin, French, Arabic, Portuguese, Dagaare, Polish, Tamil, Swahili. Below a video with all the photos taken - totally unedited!

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Guild of St Stephen Enrolment

Five of our young parishioners were enrolled in the Guild at Aylesford on 5th May 2008. A glorious day! Video below.


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Italian-Polish Baptism

Congratulations to Massimo and Justyna on the Baptism yesterday of their son Oscar Oliver. My pre-baptism research informed me that the name Oscar means 'Spear of God' and Oliver relates to the olive tree. So reference to the Word of God being as sharp as a spear and praying that Oscar would know the truth that conquers the dictatorship of relativism was not difficult to make. And the fact that the oils of the Church's sacraments are made from olive oil was very appropriate too as we prayed for strength and healing. There is a wonderful Saint of course, St Oliver Plunkett, about whom more here. Oscar was also born on 22nd February, feast of the Chair of St Peter.

Pictured above are Oscar's godmother Dorotha (baby in arms) and godfather Mario (with candle), Massimo and Justyna and Massimo's mother and father.
Afterwards, a reception at Massimo's new coffee shop on North Street in Ashford and the opportunity was taken to bless the new business.

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Divine Mercy Day Baptism

Belated congratulations to Andrew and Jane on the baptism of their daughter Sophie on 30th March, Second Sunday of Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday. The name 'Sophie' of course refers to Christ as the Wisdom of God (Sofia in Greek). On Divine Mercy Sunday, we read in the Gospel of Jesus breathing upon the apostles bidding them receive the Holy Spirit. We pray that Sophie may be blessed with a rich indwelling of God's wisdom in her soul.


Day with Mary Easter Saturday 29th March 2008

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