St Simon's Parish Blog

Welcome to the Blog of St Simon Stock Catholic Church, South Ashford, Kent, UK. Our address is: Brookfield Road Ashford Kent TN23 4EU

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Christ the King Baptism

Congratulations to Francis and Aude Alecks whose baby Connor Francis was baptised at Mass today. Members of Francis' family had travelled from Scotland and Aude's family had come from France. In the photo: Francis and Aude with baby Connor Francis and godparents Angela Chesney and Damien Pinault, sister of Francis and brother of Aude respectively. As the second reading (Rev. 1:5-8) from today's Mass says: (Christ) loves us and has washed away our sins with his blood, and made us a line of kings, priests to serve his God and Father.


Merrick Boston's 80th Birthday

Merrick and his wife Mary kindly invited me to join family and friends at Eastwell Manor for a birthday luncheon. Amongst the guests were a couple of their friends from the Latin Mass Society. Merrick and Mary are wonderful parishioners at St Simon's, Merrick attending the weekly Bible study meetings, Mary faithful to her daily Rosary. Since the monthly celebrations of the Old Rite began in this parish, they have also come to love the Old Mass for its contemplativeness (if that's the right word) and beauty and they attended the Old Mass last night, celebrating the Vigil of Sunday, at Headcorn. Merrick spoke very touchingly about his wife who is everything to him. He gave some good advice: whenever spouses have an argument, they should end it by offering one another a cup of tea, and should never go to bed without kissing and making up. It is edifying to see a couple so in love with one another after fifty years! Their three children have much to be proud of. Ad multos annos!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Parish Change of Name

I recently consulted the parish about the possibility of changing the name of the parish from 'St Simon of England' to 'St Simon Stock.' They are, of course, one and the same Saint. However, he is more familiarly known by the latter name, particularly in other parts of the world. With increasing migration into Ashford, a number of Catholics from overseas, seeing the words 'of England' on the Church notice, mistakenly concluded that this was a Church of England Church, evidently failing to notice the words 'Catholic Church'. Most parishioners appeared to approve the change of name, as did members of the Parish Advisory Council. So I petitioned the Archbishop who, having consulted the auxiliary bishops, has approved. So, henceforth we are the parish of St Simon Stock.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Comment from Harriet's Aunt

"I would just like to say thank you for the lovely service on Sunday for Harriet, I am not a Catholic, but have to say what a lovely family environment your church has, I haven't stopped talking about it!
And I love your web site.
Many thanks once again."

Well, that's encouraging!