St Simon's Parish Blog

Welcome to the Blog of St Simon Stock Catholic Church, South Ashford, Kent, UK. Our address is: Brookfield Road Ashford Kent TN23 4EU

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Gaudete Sunday Baptism

Congratulations to Shau'n and Chinwe Ude on the baptism of their little daughter Olandu Charlotte Julia. Olandu, a Nigerian name, means jewel of life. Her godmother Adaeze Oreh is on the left with her daughter Kenne (her husband, being away on business, was unable to be present). I was able to visit the family yesterday evening and it was a joy to be shown the photographs of their traditional and their church wedding, both of which took place on the same day, the church wedding preceeding the traditional. The elaborate ritual of the traditional wedding emphasises the union of two families which must be an extremely supportive structure. Of course, the whole village turns out for the ceremony.


Friday, December 15, 2006

New School Servers

We have had a go at getting some of the pupils to volunteer to serve Mass with lunch time practices. Mrs Ebenebe, the primary school's RE co-ordinator gave them suitable encouragement and things have got going! We have had two lunch time practices. Two of the youngsters are already regular servers but for the rest today was only their second time serving, the first being last Friday, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. In spite of their lack of experience, all was accomplished with great dignity, reverence and aplomb! So a big 'well done' and 'pluck up courage to serve at the Sunday Mass. You can do it!'


Friday, December 08, 2006

Great pro-life video: "Mamma I wanna live"

I found this on another blog but can't remember which. I dedicate this to all girls/women who are abandoned by the child's father.

Monday, December 04, 2006

First Confession and First Communion Preparation Commences

On Sunday 3rd, First Sunday of Advent, we had our first meeting of children and parents. After the children went off with catechists Catarina Beresford and Lisa Aldridge, I had a brief session with the parents and asked them about their hopes and expectations at this point in their children's lives. The comments were very illuminating:
  • that they get closer to God through Holy Communion
  • that they acquire a greater understanding of their faith
  • that I refresh my own understanding
  • he wants to do it!
  • to understand what goes on in the Mass
  • growth in awe and reverence
  • growth in spirituality
  • a sense of belonging/belief for the journey of life.

So we have plenty of material to discuss next time!

Please pray for our 10 Holy Communion candidates.